Want to Write a Book? Here’s How to Get Started

It’s no secret that writing a book is a complex process that requires a lot of time and planning. After all, you’re creating an entire world with characters and storylines that readers will invest in. But what many people don’t realize is that you don’t need to have a lot of money or free time to write a book. All you need is some dedication and the willingness to stick to a schedule.

So if you’ve been thinking about writing a book but haven’t started because you think you don’t have the time or resources, stop worrying. There are plenty of online resources available to help guide you through the process, and by setting aside just a little bit of time each day, you can make great progress on your project.

Outsource some assignments

Hiring some help may seem a bit off-putting, but many professional writers do it. If you’re strapped for time, it can be an excellent way to save some energy for other parts of writing your book. An editor is one option that may help with the process of writing a book.  If you don’t have much experience, having someone read over your work and provide feedback can be invaluable. Another good addition is a book proposal writer. This is a good choice if you want to improve the chances of your book getting published. You need to know what types of books are selling well in your genre, and whether or not your idea fits with what publishers are seeking at the moment. Once you have some samples of book chapters written, a proposal writer can clean up your prose, making it as compelling as possible.

Let the ideas flow freely

When you’re trying to come up with ideas for your book, don’t limit yourself. The best way to start is just by writing down every idea that pops into your head, no matter how crazy or half-baked it may seem. Think about different routines that can get your ideas flowing, or even enrich your vocabulary, like reading a Thesaurus from time to time, or playing some word games. You never know which idea will lead to a book chapter that unexpectedly changes your novel. Just keep writing, and you’ll find that your ideas start coming together naturally.

Keep track of when you work on the book

No matter how busy you are, keeping track of how much time you spend working on your book is one of the most important parts of writing a book. It can be easy to let yourself get distracted when things are slow, but with the proper self-discipline, you can keep working on your project without feeling too overwhelmed. By figuring out how much time you need each day or week to make progress and sticking to it, you’ll learn what kinds of deadlines work best for you.

What is a book outline?

A book outline is a list of plot points, characters, and key moments that should happen throughout the novel. If you’re not quite ready to start writing your first draft, going through this process can be extremely helpful in making your book as strong as possible. It can also help you figure out what gaps need to be filled to make the plot make sense.

Your book doesn’t need to be perfect right off the bat. If you’re struggling with coming up with ideas or getting started, try using some pen name generators for inspiration. Keep in mind that most books go through multiple drafts before they are published, so any progress you make is a success. Whether your goal is to get an agent or self-publish, just stick with it. If you have the dedication to finish writing your book, then there’s no doubt that you’ll be able to get it out into the world.

The structure of a novel 

In essence, it is similar to that of a short story, but in a longer time frame. It’s best used for stories that need more depth and wants the reader to experience the protagonist’s journey through all its stages. For novels with an average length of 30,000 words or more, it is usually expected for them to follow one of two patterns: linear or non-linear structure.

  • Linear structure 

Some novels, especially those targeted at children and teenagers, are entirely linear, everything happens in a straight line. These stories usually have no subplots or only one subplot that plays the dominant role throughout the story’s development. This type of book is easy to follow for readers because everything is happening in order.

  • Non-linear structure

One of the things that make these books interesting for adults to read, is the fact they are not constrained by rules or guidelines imposed on them by editors/publishers. These books tend to be much more self-aware and do not necessarily follow a linear timeline in which events transpire. Instead, they tend to be very dynamic and make use of recursive patterns or multiple types of narration to express the events that are happening at any given moment.

How to write your introduction and conclusion

You should always begin your paper by introducing the topic and giving a brief overview of what you will be discussing. What is the point you are trying to make? What do readers need to know before they proceed any further? This section should be between one and three sentences long.

For example, let’s say that your thesis statement was, ” Custom book covers are really expensive in today’s market, so I recommend using a free online tool to create an amazing cover in just a few steps.” The introductory paragraph would simply start by introducing the topic and perhaps providing some context for your reader.

Maybe you know that writing can be difficult at first, but you still want to try it out. If so, then you might begin your paper by saying something like, “I’ve always had a deep appreciation for books that include dynamic characters and compelling storylines. I wanted to see what it took to create my own story, so I began writing.”

Just give your reader an idea of where you’re coming from and why you chose to write about this topic.

The conclusion is the last thing your reader will read before they decide whether or not to turn to another page or close out of your paper entirely. This section should be between one and three sentences again, but it is where you wrap up all of your ideas with a nice little bow. If you’re writing about the advice you’d like to give, then this is where you’ll do it.

If your thesis statement was about custom book covers, then you could close out by saying something like, “So if cost isn’t an issue, and you want to create a truly unique cover for yourself or someone else, then I can’t recommend using free online services enough.”

Tips for writing the body of your story

Here, you’ll flesh out the body of your story. You can use this section to describe what your protagonist is going through, why they are experiencing these events in their life, and how it affects them.

You should try to be as specific as possible in order to create a vivid picture for your reader that will help them connect with what you’re trying to say. It’s also fine to use examples, statistics, and anecdotes here to make your point stronger; just be sure that they are relevant to your paper somehow.

Writing a novel is no easy task, especially if it’s the first thing you’ve ever tried writing. The best thing that you can do is just keep putting words on the page. The more you write, the easier it will be for you to string together meaningful sentences and paragraphs.